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Online Reputation Management Services in India

Surjeet Thakur - Google Adwords Expert Chandigarh India

Surjeet Thakur

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Online Reputation Management Services in India – PPCChamp is the best ORM Services Company in Chandigarh, india. Online Reputation Management is the process of controlling what shows up when someone Googles your name.

We’ll show you how to promote positive content to the top of your search results and push unwanted content (negative, irrelevant or competition) farther down to ensure that when someone Googles you, their results are populated with positive, relevant content about you.

Contact Us for your ORM Services: Call – 9915337448, Mail : surjeet@ppcchamp.com

ORM Stands for Online Reputation Management. ORM Services mostly used for big brands, Companies, Politicians and celebrity etc

Your reputation is everything – If you currently have an online reputation management problem, our online reputation consultants give you the tools you need to spot it and gently remove it from the search engines.

To improve your chances of removing negative review of consumer complaint from Google first page is i.e. contact the webmaster of the websites. Best action according to Google perspective is to contact the webmaster of a website and convince them to remove the information.

In case website owner refused to remove the link  So best option is to push down link from Google Search results. The idea way to deal with negative review is:
1. You can create relevant blogs and update them on regular basis.
2. List your business on high authority domain websites.
3. Create strong business profiles
4. Grow your social media network

At any given moment you could have customers posting about how great your product or service or how poor the service is.  You must handle customers directly and honestly, and if problems should arise, take care of it swiftly.

Once you’ve dissected it, construct your reply with that issue as the main focus. This will simplify the conversation, temper the emotions involved, and save everybody’s time.

You can do this in 3 easy simple steps.

Step – 1. Arm yourself with as much context as possible regarding the customer’s issue.

Step – 2. Create Alerts using the Online Reputation Management Tools.

You can monitor for unlimited keywords, Instant alerts on any brand names, Products, Phrases straight to your email.

Step -3. Apologize for the issue and thank the customer for taking the time to let you know about it. Starting with something simple but sincere like this will go a long way to making your customer feel better.

Here are some basic ORM key points to follow when combating with bad review/result page:

1. Include Your Name Within Positive Content

2. Ensure Positive Pages Contain Your Name In The Title Tag

3. Ensure Positive Pages Contain Your Name In The URL

4. Register & Build Out A Domain Containing Your Name

5. Set Up Social Media Profiles In Your Name

6. Post Images That Represent Your Name

7. Build Links And Reference Citations

Reputation management services can help both businesses and individuals build and maintain a positive online presence, so when they are looked up online, people find positive and relevant info about them.

ORM or Online Reputation Management has two sides:

  1. Damage Repair
  2. Proactive Content Marketing

In first case, the reputation has already been damaged. I mean whenever you search for your name, you can see negative comments against you/ your business/ products or services and now you start publishing some positive content about you and try to outrank the negative comments with your positive content

In 2nd case, you’re proactively doing some content marketing and search results are already flooded with lot of positive articles about you/ your business/ product or services and you’re just trying to power them by further promoting them

Online Reputation Management Services in India

“Online reputation management plays a very important role in building perception of a brand and in ultimately driving business results.” It goes without saying that customers are at the heart of every business, irrespective of the latter’s size, niche. It is only by providing good customer service that a business can first survive and then flourish. Good customer service can further drive extreme loyalty and create positive word-of-mouth from satisfied customers. Now, the question is – how do you ensure the best customer service for your patrons?

Customer satisfaction can be achieved best by maintaining transparency with customers and delivering what your promise. If you can’t do it, staying in the game would be next to impossible. Another essential for creating an amazing customer experience is a courteous and strong customer service team. Customer service team deals exclusively with customers and play a pivotal role in defining your company’s growth.

Initially, customer service agents were available at the counter or call centre. However, today the customer’s presence is expanding to other channels such as social networking sites, so it is imperative for your customer service team to be present there too! Often referred to as social listening, it enables businesses to spot customers’ queries, even when they are not calling or mailing! Wondering if it’s good to try? Well, if you don’t, customer’s negative feedback can spread like wildfire, causing irreparable damage to your business.

Some of the ways that helps you drive maximum benefit from social listening are:

1. Respond quickly and sincerely: As soon as you spot the issue, respond right away, but don’t offer up a pat answer. Showing customers you are truly listening requires a conversational approach in which you respond according to the individual’s specific experience and on the channel that the customer reached out on.

2. Remember to follow up: Just because you issue a refund or replacement—or take some other action to satisfy the customer—doesn’t mean your job is done. Follow up is critical. Revisit the social media forum where the original complaint was lodged, thank them for calling out the issue, and demonstrate to the masses that there was a positive resolution. Also take the opportunity to privately ask if they are satisfied with the resolution.

3. Watch for trending topics: A single complaint is one thing, a trend of positive or negative feedback about a specific aspect of your product or service is quite another. Use your social listening software to watch for trending topics so your customer service team can reach out with solutions and pass on what they’ve learned to product development and marketing before sales begin to decline.

4. Focus on what matters: Inevitably you’ll encounter someone with nothing better to do than to harass people online. As you continue to build your social customer service skills, you’ll get better at quickly identifying these types of interactions. At the end of the day you can’t be all things to everyone, so it’s important to pick and choose your battles. That being said, it’s equally important not to let a genuine issue go ignored. Sometimes just a few quick seconds of research on someone can help identify patterns in a person’s online behaviour. If it walks like a troll and talks like a troll—it’s a troll. Move on to bigger and better things.

Here are the main areas I discussed for the article above:

  • Be proactive
  • How to setup your social media accounts
  • Why you should own multiple domains
  • Basic search engine optimization
  • The importance of keeping sites updated
  • Automating content syndication
  • Using hundreds of free websites to give you more exposure
  • Publishing online press releases
  • Managing your reviews

ORM Services We Provide:

  • Brand Protection
  • Enhancing online visibility
  • Social Monitoring
  • Eliminate unwanted links
  • Positive Buzz around your brand
  • Address & Suppress negative reviews
  • Promote positive content

ORM Expert in Chandigarh, India

Online reputation management is a vast area of operations and defining a single brand that does it best is very difficult. What you should be looking for is: What factors should be considered while selecting an organization for effective reputation management solutions.

The first thing to consider before initiating talks with any organization providing the services is to determine Why do you need online reputation management?

·        To develop and manage your brand
·        Monitor the overall reputation of the company
·        Work on a malicious remarks or feedback
·        To improve and guard your business from any unwanted commenting.
·        To guard your business from unhealthy reputation management practices

It is important to know the exact cause to ask for the service because it is a very crucial task to handover the reputation of your brand to someone unknown.
The strategies that any good and experienced organization would follow for reputation management are:

·        Brand name monitoring
·        Mention monitoring
·        Social media network setup and monitoring
·        Press release monitoring and management
·        Content management
·        Reviews management
·        SEO for positive promotion

There are many well established brand that could provide you with all the above services, but the best practice would be to chose the package that fits your needs and budgets.


ORM Service Contact Details

Chat On skype: PPC.CHAMP

Call: 099153 37448

Email: surjeet@ppcchamp.com

If you'd like us to dramatically improve your website & business, visit our "Services" page and then contact us for more information.
And if you have any comments or questions about this article, contact us
or Call +91-9915-337-448, Skype: oli-jee, Email: surjeet@ppcchamp.com
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