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How to Edit PDF Files

Is Editing a PDF file a more complicated task for you?

Here you will learn some easy steps for editing a PDF file.

In today’s scenario, PDF files are very common in use. These files are used by Businesses and for personal as well, But mostly used in comics, Novels or for those files that are not meant for further editing.

PDF file was created by Adobe in 90’s and now it has become a powerful tool for exchanging valuable data, including presentations, CAD Drawings, invoices, government forms and other legal documents.

2 Major Reasons behind PDF popularity:

More Compact:- The PDFs are generally more compact(smaller in size) than any source document and they preserve the original formatting.

Content cannot be modified:- The content of a PDF cannot be easily modified as it protects your content from copying, printing.

As software for editing is costly such as Adobe Acrobat, only few people can afford this software but there are some free tools available that are damn good for basic editing. Continue reading

What Is Virtual Reality and How Does It Work?


Virtual Reality  – the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

How VR will be used, and the changes that the technology will make to the day-to-day lives of regular people is still a matter of speculation.

Gamers are warming up their trigger fingers for a new level of immersive gaming, and the field of entertainment will be transformed by the changes. But use cases in other industries could be just as transformative.

Virtual Reality – First talk about what is Virtual Reality? Virtual reality is an artificail environment or scene that are created by using hardware devices and software of a computer.

This artificial scene or environment is presented in such a manner that it look and appears 3-D and we feel like a 3-D world.

To experience a vitual reality scene or environment, a user requires a head- mounted display (HMD) and special types of gloves which receives input from the computer. A HMD keeps a track on how eyes move and responds by sending a new input video.

Also a user require the data gloves which sensor the movement of hand and interface those movement by a computer. The most important element requied for virtual reality is the software to give a real experience which feels like a real world.

Note that a virtual environment reprsents a 3-D world thta it look either real or abstract.

It includes real system like buildings, lanscapes, spacecraft, trees, human anatomy, sculptures, crime scene, solar system and many more. these virtual environment are animated and can be reprents like a real world.

What Is Virtual Reality and How Does It Work?

Indeed, some amazing and inventive new ways to use VR technology are already appearing that could dramatically impact people in their daily lives. Continue reading

Best Time to Post on Facebook in India

Best Time to Post on Facebook in India – Are you among those people, who share their postings on Facebook without knowing perfect timings?

You should know that your visitors and followers  prefer to use social media sites for some specific hours.

If you share your thoughts or content when your users are online, you will not only gain more shares and likes, But you will also notice an increase in audience.

Before uploading any post on Facebook, have you ever wonder the correct time for sharing?

If you didn’t bother till now, then now it is a time to think “How to find the best time to post on Facebook”?. Continue reading

How to hire a best Digital Marketer for your business

Best Ways to Hire the Right Digital Marketer or Marketing Firm for Your Brand Business – Hire well and you’ll have a high performing and happy team.

Hire just one wrong person, fondly known as a “hiring mistake,” and you’ll spend a lot of time and emotional energy trying to fix your team.

This is why hiring is arguably the most important job of a people manager.

Step 1: Write a job description that depicts your ideal candidate.

I’ve heard too many hiring managers say “I’ll know the right person when I meet him or her” when asked to describe the ideal candidate for an open position. Maybe that’s true, but that mindset can lead to terrible inefficiencies.

Interviews are time consuming; you’ll waste a lot of time talking to the wrong people if you don’t take a first step of putting a thorough and accurate job description down on paper. Continue reading