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Surjeet Thakur - Google Adwords Expert Chandigarh India

Surjeet Thakur

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Setup Product Listing Ads in Google AdWords


Setup Product Listing Ads (PLA) in Google AdWords – Looking for an Expert PLA Ads agency  (Consultant, Expert, Manager, Firm, Company) to manage  / Manage your Google PLA Ads? Our team of Digital marketing PLA Ads Experts adopt advanced approach and strategies to create and setup  your PLA Ads  on your website.  PLAs simply provide more information for customers further down the sales funnel. On the verge of purchasing a good, seeing both the product and the price is all the information they require and it is easy to click through knowing what you get.

Those at the beginning of the sales funnel are more likely to click on the organic results to find out more about the product and will return in the future to purchase the product. The key is though when they return they will enter Google and likely head straight to a PLA.

Hire a PLA Ads Expert Now! : skype: oli-jee, Email: surjeet@ppcchamp.com

What you need to start PLA Ads Setup – Once you have all of the requirements for Product Listing Ads such as the Google Merchant Center account and an error-free data feed, you can focus on setting up a Product Listing Ads campaign in your Google AdWords account. But how do you start?

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or Call +91-9915-337-448, Skype: oli-jee, Email: surjeet@ppcchamp.com

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