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Air ticketing business USA to India

Surjeet Thakur - Google Adwords Expert Chandigarh India

Surjeet Thakur

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How to start an air ticketing business?

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Start Air ticketing business

Here’s some helpful information that is ideal for those of you who want to open an airline ticket agency. Read these tips before you open up shop.

This article includes several good tips on starting an airline ticket agency.

Read: Start Air Ticketing business through Google Ads

Air ticket selling business is not that easy, as you ought to have resources in the form of money, office establishment,and it support such as computer etc, and of course intelligent staff.

second step is you should be registered with IATA and other such agencies.

further you should establish contact with diff. airlines and get registered. if you have good contacts in different offices it would be helpful.

however my suggestion to you is that work in any leading travel agency for a year or two, which will give you all the theoretical and practical idea about operation of ticketing business

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